THE POWER TRIO (FERN-D 60 + Fern-Activ + MilkCa)
FERN-D is a brand name for the generic “cholecalciferol” or better known as Vitamin D3.
Study shows that people who have high levels of vitamin D has a lower risk on having diseases like cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, bone fractures, muscle weakness, and many more.
Many of us are not aware that almost all diseases that caused death are mostly linked to Vitamin D Deficiency. If you dont get direct sunlight everyday, then you might be at risk of this deficiency.
FERN-ACTIV is packed with B-Vitamins needed for the energy surge ideal for peak performance. It also contains non-acidic vitamin C for improved immunity, Zinc for added energy, vitamin D for stronger muscles and Calcium for healthy bones!
MILKCA is a bone health that derives its calcium and other minerals from milk. Because its made from milk, MilkCa is more readily and easily absorbed by the body.
According to scientific studies, 99% of our bodys calcium goes to bones and teeth where it supports function and structure.
Calcium is also needed to regulate blood pressure, maintain nerve functions and keep our muscles healthy!